In our efforts to provide our patients with affordable dental care here at Dental Sleep Medicine Hawaii, we offer several convenient options to help you finance your treatment and receive the essential care you need. We work closely with a medical billing company to help facilitate your insurance coverage. As a part of our in-house office discounts, we offer sleep appliances for only $3,500, and include four free adjustments as well as a home sleep test to evaluate how well it works for you. This includes adjustment visits and follow-ups to ensure your treatment is functioning as accurately and effectively as possible!
Our payment options include:
- Cash
- Check
- Debit/Credit
- CareCredit®
If you would like to learn more about our dental services in Honolulu, Hawaii, we invite you to contact 808-946-6326 today and inquire about scheduling an appointment with our highly esteemed dentist and Medicare provider, Dr. Dennis Nagata.