Dr. Nagata has provided dental excellence for patients at Landmark Dental Group since 1982 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He specializes in sleep dentistry and is specifically certified to treat sleep apnea using snoring reduction therapy and oral appliances. He strives to give each patient individualized care and to engage with them on a personal level. Dr. Dennis Nagata is the person to go to for sleep disorder treatments so that you can sleep soundly again!

Our Specialties
Learn More About Better Sleep

"Oral appliance therapy is very helpful and easy to use. Much better than a CPAP!"
-Kevin M.
Are you CPAP Intolerant?
If you have trouble sleeping, a CPAP machine may be the right treatment for you. A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine can increase your airflow by producing constant air pressure in your throat. This prevents your airway from collapsing so that you sleep more soundly and deeply.
We love our patients,
and they love us!
I was diagnosed with OSAT. I was then recommended to Dr. Nagata to be fitted for a mandibular advancement splint. After being properly fitted, I have found my sleep hygiene has improved. The Somnodent is a great alternative to treat sleep apnea. Thanks Dr. Nagata!
Roderick D.
The Somnodent is a wonderful appliance. I feel that it has significantly increased my energy levels that were depleted due to sleep apnea. The device is comfortable to wear and I am able to sleep through the night with no discomfort.
Cassie V.
I fall asleep faster now that I have started using the appliance, an average of 10 minutes. It’s very easy to adjust the appliance with the built in tool. My sleep is definitely much better.
Phillip P.
The snoring stopped the first day. My husband was going to the guest room to get away from my snoring. Now he sleeps with me all night! I’ve had trouble going to sleep and sleeping all night before this appliance. Now I go to sleep and stay asleep.
Beckie K.
Great service and support with oral device. If you have snoring or sleep apnea issues, I would highly recommend Dr. Nagata. He and his staff are the "best"!
Ronald W.